About Me

Hi.  I am known to the internet, my game, and many friends as Fyuri LeBlanc. My family and closest friends call me Penni.

I am Cajun- born and raised in Southeast Texas and southern Louisiana.  From an early age, I experienced many things related to spiritual gifts and abilities.  I was raised as a minister's daughter with a firm Christian background.  However, the world of Magick and Spirituality called to me.

My parents had hoped I wouldn't answer that call, but blood runs deep and this calling was in my bloodline.  Like many Cajun children, I manifested the abilities and the call young so they were fully aware of where it would lead.  Since Cajun families are very closely knit, it was just a matter of time before I would learn what I needed to know to find my own path.

Professionally, I have been a reader, a teacher and an organizer of Psychic Fairs for most of my adult life.  I am now 65, so it has been a long, beautiful road.  Yes, it had it's ups and downs, but there is very little I would change about it.

I have a wonderful family who finally, after many years, accepted that this was my path and this was how it would be.  I can't say they understand it, but they accept it.  Letting my dad down with his expectations was difficult, but I learned early that each person has to accept their own destiny and fulfill it in order to know peace, growth, and happiness.

Hopefully this blog will help someone who is searching for their own path to understand better that thread that strings the Universe together and  unites us all.  It isn't magic- although that exists in our beautiful world too, but Magick- the very fabric of the hidden truths within all life and all mankind.

So here's to you and I do hope you read with an open mind. And have a blessed day.