
Join Us as We Explore the World of Magick!

This is a blog about exploring magick in its many forms.  Magick is the essence of our minds, our dreams, our very lives.  It is that invisible link buried deep within us that connects us to ourselves, each other, and the divine.

Life without magick would indeed be very shallow and quite boring in a lot of ways.  Magick is that quality that allows us to still experience the world through the eyes of a child, while at the same time allowing us to go deep within to gain new understandings of our surroundings.

In our blog, Pursuit of Magick, we will explore those many ways and even show you a lot about how I learned about magick and how I use it in my daily life.  Many people are surprised to realize that they use magick daily.   They often assume it is something only spiritual leaders and ancient people used.

However, we use it daily and with conscious effort, you can experience some of the deeper mysteries and ways of connecting in your daily life too.

So join us in our goals of pursuing this mystical, magical quality called magick.  

By subscribing, you can get these posts in your mailbox weekly and you will also know when we do anything special- like have an event or write an ebook you might want to have.  

Subscribing is very easy - just click on the Follow button on any page of our site.  Or any of the other links such as subscribing by email.  

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