Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Humans Were Created to Worship

We need Worship in our Lives

Wow, did you ever really think of that?  Why you were created?  What do you really need to feel good and to prosper?

The entire key is Worship.  Yes, even if you are Pagan or Wiccan, it is still about worship.

I looked up the meaning of the word and this is what I got:

the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.

synonyms: reverence, veneration, adoration, glorification, glory, exaltation;
show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites.

synonyms: revere, reverence, venerate, pay homage to, honor, adore, praise, pray to, glorify, exalt, extol;

To really experience spiritual growth involves worship.  Every religion is based on the need of humans to connect with the Divine in the form of worship.  From the earliest days of humanity, humans have recognized the need and accepted it.

In some cultures the form of worship was administered by the medicine person or the wise person.  Someone, much like ministers, created or maintained rituals passed down from ancestors and helped the tribe or village to worship.

Putting the rituals in the hands of the priests did not keep the people from worshiping.  They were only guides.  Each person who wants to grow spiritually needs to have something to worship and a form to do so.

Some may worship a God or a Goddess.  Others send their worship to the Universe.  Still others call their deity a higher power.  It doesn't matter who you worship or how you worship.  It matters that you worship.

Worshiping fulfills a deep seated need within our subconscious that we inherited from our ancient ancestors.  If we don't learn to worship, or if we abandon it, we will always feel this nagging hole in the back of our minds that will haunt us during the most unexpected times.

As you begin your journey into Magick, you have to understand that it is a spiritual one.  Part of being on a spiritual path involves some form of worship.  Kind of hard to be an atheist and believe in magick and the spirit world.  You can be agnostic and do so, but to be on a spiritual walk, you really have to believe in something.

However, each person's perception of Divine and worship may be different.  It really doesn't matter.  How you worship, who you worship, that is all about personal choice.  Each person decides on what path is right for them at any one time.

Often with growth and time, you will find that your perceptions change and your path takes an unexpected turn. That is ok too. We are drawn to what we need at the moment.  As we grow, we often find some other path that we need more.  It is part of growing and learning.

Sometimes the path makes a full circle.  That is part of life too.  You need to let go of anxieties, any pre-concieved  notions of what your path should be.  If you have labeled your path, and are determined to stick with those labels, you may find your growth inhibited.  You can be more adaptable to what your growth calls you to if you go beyond labeling.

By keeping worship alive in your soul, you will find yourself more open to where Spirit wants to lead you.  Learning to follow the signals from the spirit world will help you become stronger in your spirituality.  It will also help you develop your abilities and make your magickal work stronger leading to better and faster results.

Such growth doesn't happen overnight and it won't just happen.  You will need to make a conscious decision to walk your talk and make sure it is one of worship and gratitude.

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