Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Practical Magick- Bringing Abundance into your Life

Magick can have some very practical uses.

So we have been talking about Magick. You now have a pretty good idea of what it is and how to grow spiritually. 

But you are probably wondering, "Ok, but how do I use it?"

There are many ways to use magick and connect with it.  However, many people I talk to are in desperate need of a way to pay bills, to draw abundance into their lives and to simply make ends meet in today's sad economy.

To that end, my first post on the use of magick will be about abundance.

There are a few rules about bringing abundance into your life.  Remember magick has rules because it works within the laws of nature.

1. This is a very important rule:  gratitude.

You need to have gratitude.  In other words, be extremely thankful.  One way to do this is to make a list of every blessing in your life.  Put it where you can see it every day to remind yourself of the wonderful things you have.

We aren't talking about the material things only.  Those are indeed blessings.  But we are talking about your health (even if you are sick you can be grateful for the times you feel better), your family, your friends, the income you actually have now, the roof over your head, etc.

When you count your blessings, you begin to realize that life is not so bad.  We all have some blessings we can be grateful for no matter how bad life seems.  

Of course, the next step is to be thankful from deep within your heart, for each one.  Say a prayer of thanksgiving to God, the Goddess, or the Universe - whomever you believe in.  But you have to mean it.  Don't just pay lip service.  Actually be grateful.

2. Feel the need deeply.

Even after your ask, you have to continue to focus on the fact that this is a need, not simply a desire.  Anything can be a need if it is important to you. But you must remove anything from your mind that tells you it is just a want, not a need.

3. You need to get rid of those negative thoughts.

Not just the ones that tell you that you don't really need it.  Or that it is impossible.  But also the ones that say you don't deserve it.  Or that who are you to be asking for anything.  

You have to understand that you are a child of the Divine.  The power that created the universe also created you.  That power, by natural law, takes care of its own. That includes you.  

You have every right to expect fulfillment of your needs.  Telling yourself that you don't deserve it is like telling yourself you don't really exist. Get rid of those thoughts that keep you from your goals and needs.

4. You have to ask for it.

Yes, you actually have to make the request.  Put it in writing.  State how much you need, not what you want.  That is very important.  You won't be given anything unless you feel you really need it.

5. You need to put the request in motion.

It isn't enough to just ask.  You have to do something to put it into motion.  If it remains static, it won't go anywhere.  

Putting it into motion can take place in many forms.  Some people do a spell.  Others do a ritual.  Some do a prayer followed by a fast.

Any method will work, although I will share some details later in this post.

6. You have to have faith.

Faith is not hoping.  It is not simply believing.  It is knowing, without any doubt, that this will happen for you.  It is assurance that before you even asked, the result is on its way to you.  

7. You have to release it.

You have to hand it over to the higher power you believe in.  You can't hold on to it because then it never goes anywhere.  You have done your work, now release it, send it on its way.

8. You have to have patience and wait.

There is a Bible verse my dad used to love. "They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength".  Waiting is the hardest part of any work.  You need to give the universe or higher power time to respond.  

You have to remember that the spiritual time is not the same as human time.  It may take longer than you expect. Or it may happen quickly.  Part of it depends on your faith.  The rest depends on the law of returns.

9. You have to give thanks.

Here we are again with the gratitude.  Did I tell you that the most important aspect of magick is a spirit of gratitude?  Before you can expect anything, you must be grateful. When you receive anything you must give thanks.

That can be as simple as a whispered prayer, or as elaborate as a ritual.  The choice is yours.  It is about connecting the act of worship and gratitude to the understanding in your mind.  The important thing is to feel your gratitude- to be grateful.

Some Interesting Spells and Prayers for prosperity.

San Martin de Caballero

Also known as Saint Martin of Tours, this is a very interesting Saint.  

He was born in what is now Hungary but was raised in Italy.  When he was a young man, he joined the Imperial Roman Army.  There he distinguished himself and became a head soldier.  He was also a Christian.

While out on his rounds, he encountered a poor beggar.  It was cold out.  He cut off part of his cloak to wrap the man in.  

Later he had a dream. He saw Christ wearing part of his cloak and telling the angels how Martin had clothed him.  He spent the rest of his life helping the poor.

There is a shrine to him in France.  He is very popular in Mexico.  My mother-in-law introduced me to the invoking of his help.

You don't have to be Catholic or even Christian to do this.  All you need is faith.

I used to have a lovely statue of him.  However, in this prayer, you can use any image of him.  You can buy a prayer card at any Catholic gift shop and most stores that have prayer candles (even large grocery stores throughout Texas and Louisiana) will have a candle with his picture on it.  Or you can print one out from the internet.

There is a simple ritual that we use for him.  It is done on Thursdays.  For some reason, that seems to be the day associated with him. 

November 11 is St. Martin's Day.  On this day throughout Europe and especially in France there are celebrations and the ending of a fast that begins the day before.

To do the ritual:

1.  What you need for the ritual:
  • a small glass like a shot glass or juice glass
  • a saucer or small plate
  • several blades of fresh grass from outdoors
  • a picture of him or his candle
  • optional: a 7 day candle with his picture on it.
2. For the setting:
  • fill the glass with water
  • place the glass and the grass on the small plate
  • place his picture or candle close to it - if you have the picture, you can lean it against the glass
  • if you choose to do a seven day candle, dress it
To dress this candle, you get some type of herb or seed like mustard seeds  or fenugreek. Popular money herbs include bay leaves, basil, cinnamon, cloves and ginger.  Just put a pinch in. Doesn't have to be much.

Then with something sharp and narrow (I use skewers) poke shallow holes in the top of the wax and add some oil. Some of the easiest oils to get are cinnamon, basil, ginger or bayberry and peppermint.

Before you light the candle, place your hands over it, left hand first and right hand over that.  Left is for receiving and right is for giving back.  Then focus on the candle, clear your mind and visualize a green light from your forehead going into the candle and filling it with light. (Green is for growth.)

Now release the light and remove your hands. Using a match, not a lighter, light your candle.  The natural ingredients of the wooden match are essential to magick.

You can get oils at most craft stores or in crafting sections.  You can sometimes find extracts - not quite the same as oils but they will work - in most grocery stores.  If you want to make your own, I will be posting another post about how to make oils, and other magickal tools, and about dressing and using candles in a future post.

When you get this all set up, (make sure it is in a place where it won't be disturbed), say the following prayer:

Saint Martin, the gentleman, bless me I pray that I may have abundance and prosperity and my needs be met.

Now, leave the setup alone.  Don't mess with it other than to check that there is still water if you are using a shot glass and it is hot.  

The water and the grass is for the horse, not the Saint.

The following Thursday, take the saucer and water to the most used door of your home.  Sprinkle the water over your steps and throw the grass to the wind.

Now say this prayer:

Saint Martin, the gentleman, 
Take the salt out of my house
Bring me work, luck and money
That the waters that I sprinkle at the door to my house
Will convert into luck, health, happiness and money.

Salt represents negativity in this prayer.  You will find my use of salt in another post.

Now start the ritual over again and say a prayer of thanks for the blessings that are about to come your way.

For those that think this won't work, consider this. I used that prayer for over 30 years.  There were times when I thought I wouldn't have enough to pay rent, but it worked for me and I got the money just in time.

One time I was waiting on an income tax return.  It was delayed that year for a lot of people and unfortunately I was one of them. I had a big bill due and I had planned on paying it when the check came in.  However it didn't arrive and the due date was the following week.

Then I remembered that I had stopped doing the prayer for a couple of months due to some things that were happening around me that had taken my time and my focus.  So, even though it was Friday, I decided to start the ritual.  

The next few days passed with nothing.  I was getting closer to the deadline.  

The day before the deadline, I went to the mailbox as usual to get the mail.  There it was.  I had gotten my check.  The ritual wasn't over, but the prayer had been answered.

So it works.  In fact any form of prayer will work.  Rituals, however, are the keys to opening certain facets within your mind that will accept and expect the seemingly miracles that follow. 

Using candle spells

We often use simple candle spells for anything we want. There are some elaborate ones, but I feel the simpler, the better.  For this you will need a small green candle.  Even a votive will do.

Write your need on a piece of paper.  It doesn't have to be in any special form.  You can simply state "I need $100 to pay my light bill"  or something similar.

Taking an oil you want to use for money (see above) put the oil in your palms and rub them together.  Pick up the candle and starting with the center, rub the oil outward towards the top with your right hand.  Then starting at the center again, rub the oil around the candle downward.  Make sure the candle has oil all around it when you do this.  

There are reasons for this.  In magick, the left hand receives or accepts, and the right hand gives or sends.  You are giving a prayer as it begins to burn. You are receiving an answer as it burns to the bottom.

Place the candle on a fire-proof surface (an ashtray is fine) and put the piece of paper under it.  Focus your energy into it.  Visualize it filling with green light.  Now light it with a wooden match. 

As the candle burns, focus on the flame.  Then visualize yourself having the money in your hand.  See it in the form of dollar bills in your hands and ready for you to use.   Now visualize yourself using that money to pay that light bill. (Or whatever your need is.)

See yourself actually handing the money over to the clerk and receiving a receipt.  

If your need is for a car, or something similar, then visualize yourself paying for it and receiving it.  Visualize yourself driving away in the car or using the object you just received.

Now say a simple thing like:
"Money, money come to me
As my will so mote it be."

And clap your hands loudly at the end- with all of the force you can muster.

Clapping your hands will send the spell on its way.  One note- we always end spells with "as my will, so mote it be".  That is because we are using the force of our own will to perform them.  You have to have the will to do anything.  That is your energy you are putting into the work.

There are also other ways to bring money.  I used to write the amount I needed on a bay leaf and then put it in a drawer or somewhere until I received it. Then with a prayer of thanks, I would burn the bay leaf.

I also made tiny money jars with seeds and oils in them and sealed the cap with wax.  Then I would wrap a dollar bill around them, tie it with a red or green thread, and carry it in a little bag with me everywhere.  I still have mine.

My first mother-in-law gave me a rubber grasshopper.  She said to rub it whenever I needed money and ask for it to come to me.

I made tiny ties for money or for healing or whatever I needed. I would cut small squares of cloth in the appropriate color (in this case green) and put in some loose tobacco, some sage, and then herbs for the type of prayer I was doing- like money herbs for this type.
(Prayer ties are used by some Natives in different ways. Often the colors of the Medicine Wheel are used in them.  However, being eclectic, I adapt them to the vibrations I need.  Similar ties are made by people who do Hoodoo and Voodoo and are called gris-gris but they use only one bag instead of several strung together.  They are made the same way but larger and fuller. They also may have more than just herbs in them.)

I would make four of them. Then I would use one long string, bring all four corners together of the first square, making what looks like a little bag and tie each it tightly and knot it with the string. Make sure you leave about a 3 inch tail at the end. I find embroidery thread best for my spells.  

(Four is the number of completion.  I use the meanings of different numbers when I work.  If I needed something highly spiritual, like  growth for instance, that vibration is a 7.  If I need money, that vibration is a 4, the same as completion.  You can study Numerology, which I plan to introduce later on a page, to help you understand the vibrations to use with your work.)

 Then I would add the next square and on until I had all four squares on the same string.  When I finished all of them, I cut the end of the thread so I had about three inches on each side of the string.  I tied them together to form a circle and then I hung it in my house, over my door.  

As I made each tie, I said a simple prayer stating what the ties were for and what my need was.  When I closed the circle I added a simple prayer of thanks.

Tobacco and sage are sacred to Native Americans.  All plants are universal and anyone can use them. When using a sacred herb of another culture, it is nice to keep in mind where such a use came from and what it meant to those who shared it with us.  Tobacco is used in prayers and sage is used for cleansing.

There are many other spells that can bring money.  You can even make your own.  Just remember to keep things simple.  Heavy rituals are fun if you understand each step and why you are doing them.  However, they are not necessary.

One word of warning.  Don't ever try to do a spell in a language you don't fully understand.  I know some spells you will find in different places are written in Latin, or other languages. Just getting the interpretation for them is not enough.

Each word may have different meanings in the other language.  Sometimes it is not so much the words that are used, but how they are said that conveys meaning.  Trying to do a spell in a language you don't understand completely can backfire. 

Just do your prayers and spells in whatever language is native to you.  The one you speak every day and express your personal thoughts in. If that is English, then use English.  If it is Spanish, then use Spanish.

Better for your meaning to be clear and your intent well known than to try to do a work in a form you don't understand.  Keep in mind that you are speaking to your subconscious as well as the spirit world.  If you don't understand what you are saying, then you have defeated your purpose.

Also when adapting things from other cultures, please remember the source and do it with reverence.  There are no rules that say you can't adapt something you have seen to your own personal worship.  The concept of being eclectic is using what works for you and letting things that don't work for you pass on by.

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