Sunday, August 21, 2016

What is Magick?

Magic or Magick?

Magic is something we all grasp the meanings of.  It actually has two forms.  One is entertainment.  A magician does a lot of tricks and we are amused.  One magician seems to make a car or a person disappear, and we are awed.  He uses his abilities to escape a box or water tank, something he must train for hours to master, and we applaud him.

Another form of magic pervades our world.  We observe it when we get up and see the sun rise over the horizon.  We see the trees sway in the wind.  This magic is the force of nature in all of her awe and beauty.  Magic in this form is magnificent.  Some call it God, others call it Nature, and some call it natural forces.  But it is still a form of Magic.

So what is Magick?  When we add the k to the end, we are talking about something entirely different.  Yes, it is natural. It works within the laws of nature- never against them.  It is something that every person born has an affinity for, but some never harness the power.

Magick is the use of the laws of nature to manipulate or change our own reality. 

Every religious book, every spiritual book, every self-help book that encourages you to grow has given you a small part of the principles involved in Magick.  Magick is not something you can explain away with a few words.  It is much greater than anything you can imagine or grasp.  

You see, Magick is that unique force that holds the very threads of the Universe together.  To understand it requires faith.  As the Bible puts it, it's the faith in things unseen.  It's the understanding and harnessing of this energy that creates seeming miracles in our lives.

Jesus once said that with a very tiny bit of faith, you could move mountains.  It's true.  We all face mountains in our lives. 

There are many ways to harness this energy.  We can do it alone.  We can join in a group to harness and direct it.  As Jesus once said, being in one mind and one accord.  Jesus was a great teacher who tried to open people's minds to what they could do with faith.  Faith is the very essence of the power of Magick.  If you don't believe, you can't achieve.  

I once read a book on success.(Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill)  He wrote:  "Anything a man can conceive and believe, he can achieve."  That is the basis of using Magick.

The force of Magick can be used in many ways.  Have you ever watched a child who wants something?  I had a little friend named Gwen.   She was about 5 years old.  She told me she wanted a swing set for Christmas.  She was determined she would have one. 

 She found a magazine her mother had with an ad. In it was a swing set. She tore the ad out of the magazine. She put a circle with her crayon and showed it her parents and to everyone she saw. She put it under her pillow every night and slept with it.  She always had it with her.

Her mother was doubtful and told her she might not get that because Santa might not have one.  Gwen was persistent.  Every day she would look at that swing set and put another circle with her crayons.  Every person she met heard about the swing set she was getting for Christmas. She was very excited about getting that swing set and would jump up and down while talking about it.

Christmas Eve came, and as her father started home from work, he said it just hit him.  He couldn't come home without that swing set.  So he went to the Walmart in Pasadena.  No swing set - they were all sold out.  He asked the clerk if she could have someone call around to see if any other stores had a swing set.  They finally found one on the other side of Houston and so he asked them to hold it for him.

He rushed to the other store and picked it up.  When he got home he spent all night while Gwen slept putting up that swing set.  He told his wife, "I just couldn't come home without it."

Gwen of course was not surprised when she walked out to see her swing set.  She was very happy and danced around it.  She told her mom, "See, I told you I was getting a swing set for Christmas."

That is how the Magick works.  You must have faith.  Faith is not trusting or hoping.  It is knowing.  It is believing totally in your outcome.  

That is the first principle of Magick.  The principles are:

1. You have to believe. (Gwen believed)
2. You have to know it is possible. (She saw it in a magazine so it was there, she had to get it.)
3. You have to work within the laws of nature. (If it doesn't work within Nature, it will fail.)
4. You have to be persistent. (Gwen talked about nothing else to everyone she met)
5. You have to work the spell (prayer). (Gwen circled the swing set with her crayons every day)
6. You have to set it in motion by speaking it out loud. (You don't have to tell people, but it helps.  You have to proclaim it in some way.)
7.  You have to push it with force. (Gwen did this when she told people in a very excited way, jumping up and down)
8. You have to get obsessed with your need.
9. You must see it as a need, not a desire.  If you only see it as a desire, you won't put out the necessary energy to get it.
10. You must seed it.  (Gwen did this when she circled the swing and planted the need for it in her parent's minds.  Seeding can happen in several ways)
11. You must have patience.  You don't get it overnight.

By following those principles, you can make almost anything happen.  This is not supernatural.  They may seem like miracles.  But everything works within the laws of nature.

However, you can't expect anything to work against nature.  It is not natural for humans to fly unaided.  We don't have wings. However, it is possible to levitate.  I have seen that happen.   If it's possible within the laws of the Universe, it can happen.  

The wonderful thing about this is that we haven't yet discovered all of the laws of the Universe. That means it's still open to experimentation.  We, as humans, still don't know our limitations.  Almost anything can happen if you have enough faith.

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