Sunday, August 21, 2016

Spiritual or Religious?


Ever wonder why some people say they are spiritual, but not religious?  That is because spirituality has nothing to do with religion.

Yes there are some concepts in each religion that points toward the spiritual.  Each religion tries to encourage you to be more spiritual. 

So what is spirituality?  It can mean different things to different people depending on your view.  It can mean searching for the "sacred".  Or it can mean being attuned to a higher power.  In all cases, it means seeking to relate to something greater than our individual selves.  


So what is religious?  There are several synonyms associated with religious.  There are pious, devout, reverent, devoted, church-going, godly.    

Religious means that you adhere to the principles and teachings of a particular religion.  That religion can be one taught to you as a child or one you choose for your adult life.  To be religious does not necessarily mean to be spiritual.  You can go to church every time the doors open, listen faithfully to the sermons, and strive to do exactly as your religion teaches.  However, that does not mean you automatically grow spiritually.

Spiritual Surpasses Religious

To be spiritual, one does not have to adhere to any particular religion.  Religion is chosen because of conviction or teachings you choose to follow.   Spirituality is growth within yourself that moves you closer to the divine.  

We grow spiritually when we accept responsibility for our own faith.  When you ask people how to grow spiritually, you get a lot of answers.  All of them seem to relate to their own religious beliefs.  

For example, you will hear that it means becoming more like Jesus or that it means giving up bad habits and creating better ones.  Or that it means embracing the principles of Wicca and meditating .

Although those might be one person's paths to growth,  they are by no means the only ones.    

There are several principles involved in spiritual growth. Let's start with a few.

1.  Accept that we are all spiritual beings.

Accepting that you are a spiritual being is a great beginning.  That means you have the capacity for spiritual growth.  Remember what we said about spirituality?  It is the search for the divine, the sacred, and the higher vibration of life.  

As a spiritual being, you already are in tune with the divine. You just have to open yourself to it.  Opening your mind can help you become stronger spiritually.

2. Take responsibility for all of your action, words and thoughts.

By taking responsibility for your own actions, words, and thoughts, you must also take responsibility for how they affect you and the world around you.  Whatever you send out will come back.  

For instance, if you constantly say "i'm sorry", what does that do to your subconscious?  Yes it is a form of an apology, but what if you have done nothing to apologize for?  

If you look deeper, you will see that you become apologetic for your very existence.  You also begin to look for confirmation from others every time you speak or act.

This can inhibit your actions and affect your self esteem.  Words have a great effect on your subconscious mind.  Undermining your inner self with words and actions that tear your self esteem or faith down will keep you from growing spiritually.

To grow, you must be willing to use love and affirmation from within your own mind, without depending on others and their opinions.  The less you look to others to validate you, the stronger you become.  The thing is, you can't validate yourself if you constantly put yourself down.

3. Learn to clear your mind so that you can attune to a higher vibration

Clearing your mind helps you attune yourself to a higher vibration, a greater energy.  We do it by meditation.  We find a comfortable place and sit in a relaxed position.  We then just clear our minds of all thought.  

Don't seek to enter silence, let it envelop you.  The harder you search for something, the more it will elude you.

4.  It takes practice.

If you practice every day, you will soon notice that it is easy to do this.  After the time spent in silence with a clear mind, you will begin to find more clarity in your thoughts and in your daily life.

Nothing happens overnight.  You won't become more spiritual without effort.  It is worth the time, effort and study you put into it.  There is much more to be said about spiritual growth, but understanding the difference between spirituality and religion can be a beginning. 

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